PURPOSE: To evaluate and accredit higher education programs in emergency management and homeland security disciplines.
MISSION: To serve the emergency management and homeland security communities by promoting the highest academic standards for educational institutions through an accreditation program that ensures high quality curriculum and instruction and continually advances the quality of education within the field.
VISION: To advance, endorse and facilitate quality emergency management and homeland security disciplines in higher education through an evaluative accrediting process that will strengthen and contribute to the professions and promote public and community resilience.
VALUE PROPOSITION: CAEMHSE accreditation is a quality assurance methodology that provides confidence that an academic degree program has met standards essential to prepare graduates to enter the Emergency Management and Homeland Security global workforce. Graduates from a CAEMHSE-accredited program have the capabilities and educational foundation to 1) lead, 2) innovate, 3) protect people, property, and the environment; and 4) support democracy and civil liberties.
Board and Officers:
President: Larry A. Porter, Ph.D. CEM, TQM
EM VP: DeeDee Bennett, Ph.D.
HS VP: Alexander Siedschlag, Ph.D
Sec/Treas: Sandy Smith, RN, Ph.D
Assessment Manager: Landon Densley, M.A., CEM
Assessor Manager: Sandy Smith, RN, Ph.D.
Marketing Manager: Michel S. Pawlowski, D.Sc.
Web Coordinator: Valerie Lucus-McEwen, MS, CEM, CBCP
Board of Directors
Emily Bentley, J.D.
Kathy L. Francis, MS, CEM, MDPEMP
Kay C. Goss, CEM
Steve Jenson, Ph.D. (Past President)
Valerie Lucus-McEwen, MS, CEM, CBCP
​Ponmile Olonilua, Ph.D., CFM
Irmak Renda-Tanali, D.Sc.,MBA, ABCP, APP
Daryl L. Spiewak, CEM, TEM, MEP
Richard Sylves, Ph.D.
Derin Ural, Ph.D.
Stacy Willett, Ed.D.
Affiliated Organization
Epsilon Pi Phi Honor Society (http://www.epsilonpiphi.org)
Executive Director: Dorothy Miller